Restaurants OPEN for business

Rice Bowl with Korean Fried Chicken - Disco Cheetah

Rice Bowl with Korean Fried Chicken - Disco Cheetah

Looking for the most up-to-date list of restaurants offering take-out and delivery? Yelp Vancouver has put together a list of what’s open and it’s fantastic. This list is super useful because Google search is not as helpful right now, with many businesses temporarily closing.

See the full restaurant list here. Browse through and see what many delicious meals you can get in your area. Some of my recent 3rd party pick-up/delivery purchases include:

…and I’ve got some more local restaurants I’m hoping to support in the following weeks. I hope you are able to do the same.

Know of more restaurants that are still open for take-out/delivery and should be added to the list? You can send @yelpvancouver a DM on Instagram. They are quick to respond and are happy to help!


Filipino Food in Vancouver


Supporting local during COVID-19